
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Hard Week of Work

This week we have worked a lot on the car.
Simon started with the controller mounting and I continued on the brakes.

Last week when we tested the motor we found that the flywheel had some uneven surfaces that made it to vibrate. So after we were done with the controller mounting and brakes we went and adjusted the flywheel.

The flywheel after the adjustments. 

The next step was to mount the motor and transmission in the car so that we could take some measurements for the motor mounting. So before we mounted the transmission we wanted the change the oil in it. When we started to drain out the old oil we found some scrap metal stuck to the magnetic plug.

Not a good sign.
It looked like plain bearing that had broke inside the transmission. And that is not good at all.
So we had to open the transmission and see what had happened.
Seconds after opening up the transmission we found out where the metal was from.

There is your problem
Here we see a picture of the inside of the transmission were the axle is going out to the motor. The sharp edges we see is were the metal scrap used to be. First we thought it was a plain bearing but after looking in the car workshop manual we could not see that it should not even be a bearing there. We called the local VW workshop and asked them if they knew anything. They did not. We talked to some mechanics and one of them suggested that it could be a metal spiral that leads the oil away from the axle seal.

It is a big mystery
Well at least it wasn't a big problem. We put it together again and filled it with new oil.
Then we could mount it on the motor and put the hole thing in the car.

Ready for action
Last week we went and checked out an electric car that Ã…lands Naturskola had bought. It is a ELCAT that have they replaced the lead batteries with new lithium batteries.

Simon is doing some industrial espionage.

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